ISPD Experts

Ines Pires, phD Research, MA, BA, Prof. h.c. Dr. h.c. of International Business Strategy (CCU/USA)

Economist | Strategist

→ President ISPD Group

→ Executive Board Member STERGY

→ Former Expert Economist for the Sultanate of Oman Gov.

→ Former Head of Cabinet of the European Parliament Vice President

→ Soft Diplomacy Modelling Global Interactions Author

→ Awarded Distinction by the President of Portugal and The Sultanate of Oman Shura Council Medal

Peter Michael Putz, MBA, BA

→ Vice President of ISPD+ Treasury

→ General Manager Vista Financials UK

→ Former Senior Marketing Manager at Four Letter Marketing

→ Former Editor at Coffee News Wien

→ Founder of Dariimaa eU

→ Former Analyst at KPMG Vienna, Austria

Manfred Wandner, Physics, Geography, Sports with a focus on Sports Medicine

→ Co-founder of Juventus Deutschland e.V. redirecting children to sports

→ Advisory board for fostering a close-knit community

→ Cultivated a vast global network of collaborators across Europe, the United States, Singapore, Australia, the Philippines, and Oman.

Jorge Santiago, PhD in Political Communications,

International political consultant and Advisor for International development delegations

→ President of Educational Institution (ALEPH)

Vice President of International Association "Democratic Reflection"

→ Member of the board of directors of the Spanish Association of Political Communication

→ Member of the Doha International Forum (Qatar)

→ Professor (accredited doctor) at Camilo Jose Cela University of Madrid

Vazil Hudak 

MBA, International Business Administration, MA, International Relations

→ Chairman of Avanea AIFM

→ Former Senior Manager at National Development Fund

→ Member Of The Supervisory Board at 4gimel fund

→ Member of the National Investment Committee & Financial advisor of the Czech National Development Fund

→ Former Ministry of Economy of Slovakia

→ Board Member of Jefferson Institute

Thomas Sladko, MA, Mag. phil, Prof. HC and Dr. HC of soft diplomacy (CCU/USA),

→ Expert and consultant in communications, protocol, and soft diplomacy at ISPD+ Innovation in Diplomacy.

→ Academic correspondent at the Brazilian Academy of Ceremonial and Protocol (ABCP).

→ Academic of number at the International Academy of Ceremonial and Protocol (IACP)

→ Public Speaker

Jose Paulo Lucena, Captain | Bachelor's in Military Naval Sciences, Specialized in Communications and Electronic Warfare

→ Head of Security and Environment Department, Portuguese Navy General Inspection

→ Former Protocol Adviser, Chief General Staff Portuguese Armed Forces

→ Former Head of Group for certification of Portuguese Navy Human Resources Management System

→ Former ACO/SHAPE team leader for Montenegro's NATO accession and integration

Nasr Al Hosni, MA

→ Undersecretary of Labour of the Sultanate of Oman

→ Kamzar LLC By ISPD Chairman

→ CEO of SAJ Investment

→ Chairman of HEMA Energy

→ Board Member of Oman Hotels and Tourism SAOC

→ Deputy Chairman of Majan College (University College) SAOG

→Board Member of Takaful Oman Insurance SAOG

→ Deputy Chairman of Majan Continental Hotel

→ Director of Oman Oil Marketing Company

→ Member of many governmental specialized committees and councils

Luis Alberto Lacalle, LLB

→ Former President of Uruguay

→ Senator of the Republic

→ Member of the National Party

→ Former President of the Chamber of Representatives

Tilo Ploeger, BA

→ Founder, Owner and CEO of AYNIO GmbH

→ Member Of The Board Of Advisors of Co. São Paulo SA Improvements

→ Founder & Owner of Casa do Ashe 

→ Former Advisory Board Member of Ardo medical AG

Eduardo Duhalde, 

Candidate for President of the Argentine Republic

→ Honorary president of

Argentine Productive Movement

→ Former President of the Argentine

→ Former President of MERCOSUR Permanent Representatives Commission

Paul Pearson

HND in Hotel Management

→ Founder of Pearson Communications Ltd

→ Patron of the Hurtwood Park Polo Club

→ Former Managing Director of Pearson Communications

Ernesto Samper, LLB

→ Former President of Colombia

→ Former secretary of the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR)

→ President of the Escenarios Corporation

→ Honorary president of the Vivamos Humanos Corporation

→ Former Ambassador at Embassy of Colombia in Spain

→ Former Councilor at Bogota

Bruno Smets, Strategic and operational affairs, defence diplomacy, international relations

→ Founder and managing director of Namur Agency for Security Policy (NA4SP)

→ Senior retired officer of the Belgian Armed Forces

→ Former defence counsellor at the Belgian Permanent Representation to NATO1.

→ Former Faculty Adviser at the GCSP

→ Former Senior Advisor for CSDP Affairs

Carlos Mesa, BA

→ Former president of Bolivia

→ Former vice president of Bolivia

→ Leader of the Civic Community party since

→ International spokesman for Bolivia's maritime claim against Chile

→ Historian, journalist, and author of several books on Bolivian history and culture

Luis Ritto, PhD

→Academic Director and Dean of ISPD

→ Former EU Ambassador to the Holy See, Order of Malta and FAO

→ Former Head of Division of DG XVIII-Credit and Investments (Luxembourg) and in DG VIII-Development, Brussels

Vicente Fox, BA, Certificate in management skills

→ President at Fox Center

→ Former President of Mexico

→ Former Governor of Guanajuato

→ Former Member of the Chamber of Deputies

→ Co-President of Centrist Democrat International

→ Chief executive of the Coca-Cola Company in Mexico and head of its Latin American operations

Dr. Said Al-Saqri, PhD holder in Economics

Minister of Economy in the Sultanate of Oman

→ Member of the Supreme Council for Planning

→ Director at Office of the Advisor to H.M for Economic Planning Affairs

→ Former Undersecretary of the Ministry of Commerce and Industry for Commerce and Industry

→ Former economic adviser at the Statistical Centre for the Cooperation Council for the Arab Countries of the Gulf (“GCC-Stat”)

Anne-Louise Okretic

Humberto Calderon

Meng Wei

Jose Lara

Phillipa Dianne Lawrence, BA, M.Sc.

→ Former Chief of Protocol at the United Nations in Vienna

→ Member of the Board of Advisors at ISPD

→ Expert in Institutional Protocol and VIP Management at the ISPD Group

→ United Nations Protocol Expert at the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR)

→ Former Jamaican Deputy Chief of Mission in Mexico and Central America

→ Former Foreign Service Officer

Omnia Nour,


Administrator at Sel d’Afrique

→ Former Administrator at Société des Salins du Sine Saloum

Sharifa Al Yahi, BA, MA

Former Minister of Social Development

→ Academic Specialist in Women’s Studies

→ Speaker on gender equality in Oman and the GCC12

→ Editorial board member of the Scientific Journal Rawafed in Social Sciences University Center of Ain

Tumoshint Algeria

- Former Board Member of Arab Women Foundation

- Former Member of Advisory Board in University of Business & Technology- Jeddah

Jamil Mahuad, BA, MA, MPA, WWF’s Gift to the Earth Award | Nobel Peace Prize Nominee

Former President of Ecuador

→ Former Mayor of Quito

→ Former Foreign Service Officer in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ecuador

Raphael Grimaud

Marianne Zahnd, BA, Certified in Event management and Protocol

Senior Marketing Manager at Siemens

→ Event Project Lead for Formula E at ABB

→ Lecturer at ISPD

→ Former Head of Protocol and Guest Management at FIFA

→ Former Protocol and Event Manager at FIFA

Noredine Arab

Rafael Abelha Santos, BA, Innovation & Strategic

Executive Board Member and Chairman at Stergy Investments & Commodities LLC

→ Executive Board Member and Chairman at Stergy Asia

→ Executive Board Member and Chairman at STERGY Group

→ CEO for Oil & Gas Department at Bin Said Group Business LLC

→ Co-Managing Partner at X07Sports Management

→ Business Owner at CFO Portugal Oil Business

Valentina Kecman, PhD, MA, BA

CEO at Airports of the Republic of Srpska

→ Chairman of the Board for International Cooperation at Ujedinjena Srpska

→ Former Director General at Beach Body Sports LLC

→ Former Director General at Kensington Sports Services LLC

Nicanor Duarte, MA, LLB

Former President of Paraguay

→ Former Ambassador to Argentina

→ Senator for life

→ Former President of the ANR-Colorado Party

→ Former Minister of Education and Culture

Patricia Benoit-Guyot, BA, MA

CEO at PBG International Consulting

→ Head of Production Office at Festival Guitare en Scène

→ Campaign Advisor at ITU

→ Former Senior Government Affairs Officer at Digicel Group

→ Former Chief of Protocol and Broadband Commission Coordinator at ITU

Irakli Beridze

Dr. Raymond H. Hamden, Ph.D. in Psychology

Chief Medical Officer at SwissMEA

→ Board of Director, SwissMEA [GmbH]

→ Consultant in Forensic & Political Psychology at The Foundation For International Human Relations

→ Former Director at Human Relations Institute

→ Chairman of the Board for International Cooperation at Ujedinjena Srpska

→ Fellow at American Academy of Forensic Sciences

Mirsad Midzic

Thobjorn Svenssen

Saba Al Riyami

Sebastian Fairhurst


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